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The Outer Limits Magazine is an on-line subscription only publication dedicated to all things paranormal. From UFO's to mysterious stories of OOParts (Out Of Place artefacts), to cryptozoology and all things strange and unusual in-between.
Ronald Kinsella talking at the Conference

Chris Evers with Paul Sinclair

Philip Kinsella talking at the Conference

Ronald and Philip Kinsella, having been honoured with the 2022 'Outer Limits Magazine' Awards at the Conference in Hull. Extremely proud and humbled by the nominations, the twins were overwhelmed, being appreciative of both Chris Evers and Philip Mantle.

Ronald, Chris Evers (OLM Creator) and Philip. Chris has published articles and artwork by the twins, supporting and encouraging their efforts in the field of Ufology

Philip Mantle (Top UFO Researcher/Publisher/Author) & Ronald - Philip holding a unique piece of artwork for Calvin Parker's up-coming Graphic Novel due out in 2023 and published by Philip Mantle's Flying Disk Press

Philip Mantle & Philip - Philip Mantle holding a unique piece of artwork, with Philip Kinsella displaying a model based on Calvin Parker's abductors

David Young, Peter Robbins, Anne and Jill Young chilling at the Conference

Jason Gleaves at his model-stand. Jason is a master model-maker, illustrator and author, having written numerous books on the UFO topic

Ronald, Sacha Christie, David Young (PAUK's 'Paranormal Dimensions') and the respected Researcher/Author, Malcolm Robinson

Philip, with the respected Paranormal Investigator/Author, Malcolm Robinson

Ronald, Simon Bishop and Philip

Ronald, respected Best-Selling author of the 'TRUTH PROOF' series, Paul Sinclair, Radio Show Host of 'OVER THE RAINBOW' Bob Brown, and behind him, Film Producer/Researcher Christopher Turner

Ronald, with Les Drake - Owner/Director of DIGITAL CREATIONS

Ronald, with Deborah Singleton, Andy Codes Booth (Paranormal Investigator/Researcher/YouTube Livestream Host/Founder/Owner of C.O.T.U) and Philip

Ronald, author Paul A. Ascough and Philip

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