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Realising the wonderment of the Digital Age, Ronald has embraced art in a new fashion, above traditional, to add emphasis and a slight realism to projects. He states he is only an amateur at present, with plenty of improvements to come.

Please note these images are copyrighted under Ronald Kinsella. They are not to be copied or shared. Respect the integrity of the artist.

Ronald does not understand why he is so drawn to these creatures. He assumes it might well have something to do with the Mayan Deity, Kukulkan - the feathered serpent of which they worshipped and of which he's written about in his book 'THE DIGITAL DEMON.'
He states there is a certain kind of prehistoric beauty about them, the likes of which is also terrifying.
His improvements to these powerful images will assist with future projects, as he aims to enhance his skills on all levels.

Above, Ronald's depiction of 'The Demons' which feature in a new upcoming book for 2023/2024 and of which interests him in a biblical sense. Scorn from those opposed to such things must understandably be questioned, as we are still infantile in terms of anomalies which reside beyond this veil of reality. Normality is a comfortable model, though one which can expressively be challenged.

Above, Ronald's Bird-Like reptilian that was designed for a fantasy book he plans on working sometime in the future. This illustrated book will take a number of years to create, so he will have to wait until such time as the opportunity arrives.

Above, Ronald's 'Cyclops' range of robots which he is creating. Conceptual toy designs are another benefit of Zbrush. TED (large mech) and TOMMY.

Zbrush has taken Ronald 10 years to grasp and master. Digital Sculpting Software. The model below was composed from scratch, which is then either produced on a 3D Printer as a figure, or set for presentation. 3D Printers can take hours to produce. The beauty of it is, once built, they can then be manipulated to create a number of poses throughout. He enjoys creating creature and robot concepts. This here is raw state, prior to Paintshop.

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